Monday, September 21, 2009

I left!

Yesterday I  did something I have been wanting to do for a while now. Finally I did it and it freed me. Freed me from the spy that I was becoming, always finding my self seeing things I have no business in seeing. I freed myself from all the time I have been wasting doing something that is not productive in any way. I freed my self from all the information that I did not want to know. I liberated my self from so many group invitations and so many friend requests from people who are not my friends. I feel like the moment I pressed the deactivate my account button two wings were created on my back and as I roamed my apartment doing simple errands, I felt lighter. As I went to bed I felt safer like a part of me came back to my body and I am not as open to the public as I was. Face-book can be a great way to keep in touch with old friends and it can also be a horrible way to lose so much time and to bring people you were grateful  for not having to deal with anymore back to the front-lines of your communication circle. Some one once said there is a good reason why certain people are out of my life. You suddenly become too reachable, too exposed and anyone can tell you anything anytime, there is a certain thrill to that in the beginning and then you feel captive or choked like a social prisoner of some sort.
The brain can also suffer from an addiction, I found my fingers typing face book. com automatically and many times I find my self hypnotized checking face book for no good reason and doing stupid things there for a long time. 
I find my self checking pictures of people I have no desire of seeing their pictures, and then I feel sick for doing that like a creepy spy. I find people who I do not want to be seeing my pictures always commenting on my pictures and we are not even close with the daily comment I feel like I am on the lap of the person that is not even my friend and never was. I have no problem with publicity I love to be interviewed in an article, written about somewhere and here I am blogging about my life to the world but I realized I do have a problem with face book. Some thing is weird about it and it is embarrassing to ignore a friend request, it is awkward to meet these people who used to be bullies, behind the screen they become angels with sweet comments.
The status update can also be too much. The last thing I saw was a friend telling her husband something that only he should hear, it is not like she is Kim Kardashian or Megan Fox that people would enjoy the extra information. Why do I have to know everything about their personal life?
Some one else's status was Jane just wake up from the longest nap, who cares I wanted to ask.
I updated my status too but deep inside I felt how lame that can be in the eyes of others.
Also did you notice how everyone looks good in their profile picture? Now in real life they do not but on face book somehow everyone is a star. I have no problem with that but I have a problem with the obnoxious posers who in reality are anything but model material. 
So much kissing ass and so many fakers, so many liars, so many spies. 
There is also the terrorizing join my group requests and then the showering of group messages that you are daily exposed too. 
The last thing that led me to this bold move as I feel it, is an unfortunate event on face book. A young woman who used to do yoga with me passed away and I found out from her relatives' status. Her relative meant well but I felt it was too much how she announced it with a sad face in the end. It was something that gave me chills and changed my biology as a whole, when someone we love dies we can not just put a sad face from the keyboard, it is too much. And the way people wrote stuff on the woman who passed away's wall was just too scary for me. 
They even created groups for her, they all mean well but when it comes to death face book can be too much.
Something great is being simplified and commercialized and publicized and handled by many in away that I found was not respectful enough. I could not take face book anymore and the boring person who spies behind the screen that I have become, how everyone can comment about me and how so many groups burdened me with their messages. Something was creepy, something was fake, apart of me was suffering online. I realized my need to reach people can be satisfied by my blog and my phone, and I do feel a great relief. Maybe when I am ready and able to control my privacy more and the number of times I check my face book, maybe then I can go back but now I am just very happy for this freedom that I have got back. I feel like I lost my chains and all of me is back in me not scattered on a wall waiting for comments and messages all the time. When face book becomes a source of stress it is not fun anymore.
I do not want my life to be pictures on a wall and I do not want people I know to have so much to say about that all the time 24 hours of the day. Adam sandler's character in his last movie " funny people" said the more friends you have on facebook the less friends you have in real life.
He then cursed facebook it was funny in the movie. I always envied the young people I know who are not on facebook now I am one of them atleast for now. 
I hope that I did not offend anyone in anyway my good friends know how much its a pleasure to be in touch, we do not need facebook we have our phones.


  1. thank u prince of silence

    thank you MONMON :)

  2. I totally agree!
    But we can still keep in touch here :)
    miss u

  3. miss u more neka yes and you can email me

  4. facebook shocked me on how people have changed over the past years !!

    i have as well !

    just didn't think that others did toooo....

    i am not sure which i like more, knowing how people i used to know r now ( even if i realize i was a happier person not knowing ...)

    or just keeping a low profile living the happy life i have even if i don't get to know much about people they've long forgotten me ...
