Friday, July 29, 2011

Kids and words we say

It's amazing how kids remember what we say
it shapes them and forms them
We must be careful what kind of statements we say
They are learning 24 /7 from our hidden and obvious messages through our behavior and choices
It's one thing to tell them stuff but we do with our lives teaches them how they should live
They believe everything we say
They have faith in us
They believe in us
The way we punish them teaches them about life
And how they should act in distress
The way we love teaches them about relationships
The way we yell or teach them firmly teaches them about the ways they should act
When we smile they learn to smile
When we look in their eyes they feel worth while
And when they fall and we are scared they learn about fear
They are mirrors of their caregivers
And everything we say is part of their making and they remember it forever
Be careful what you tell children that's where they learn about life

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ramadan I will miss you when I leave

Leaving my people when they need Me the most
Leaving my family in the holy month
Leaving my culture my tradition my religious rituals behind
And off to the land of freedom where there is Notrace of ramadan or the familiar faces
No tahrir square
No old regime
Where democracy is well established
Where freedom of speech is a practiced right
Leaving all the familiar and crossing the Atlantic to a place that's just perfect
But my heart is here where I'm needed the most here by the beach of my Egypt
Family duty calls a cross of the Atlantic trip but in a time when I'd rather stay and suffer with the ones I love
If I can chose between a clean life away from loved ones
Or a chaotic undemocratic unsafe one with my mother and on my mother land
I choose the messy life with my loved ones
Yes I complain and at times my heart almost stops from fear
But my heart is here where life started on my land with my people who suffered for ages
My heart is in this dirt and in this place where freedoms are burried
My heart is here where everyone is in your business and in Ramadan friends and family gather
My heart Is here where everyone knows my name at the store and in the coffee shop that we all need so much
My heart is here where I can't breath from pollution
My heart is here where I cant speak my mind and I might be arrested for blogging
My heart is here but I gotta go only for a month I guess! but im leaving at a time when I don't know how it will be when I return

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

عزبة خيرالله neglected slums behind maadi raise awareness raise money
Tousa Mia t shirt brand profits go to the initiative starting today pls donate money or buy a funky tshirt and help the forgotten people of Egypt tousa mia t shirts are handmade hand painted one of a kind and perfect for the beach and yoga comfy and hippy like only for free people

Monday, July 25, 2011

When the lights go off

When the lights go off and its pitch black
I was afraid I was paralyzed
I wanted to get up and move to scream for help
But fear made me stay in the box like bed
And I felt like I was dead
Worst thing about the feeling of death is not being able to communicate
With those you love
Like that day in Cairo when the mobile services were stopped
And the Internet was also stopped by the gov the evil old regime
It was like a mini death we could not reach those we love or speak our mind or use the Internet
Last night I was afraid of death of not being able to say what u wanna say to be stuck in a dark place
But I remembered GOd and I started saying some prayers and it made my heart happy
Remembrance always helps me
الا بذكر الله تطمان القلوب

Sunday, July 24, 2011

its not spoiling its attachment parenting

Attachment parenting:

a phrase coined by pediatrician William Sears,[1] is a parenting philosophy based on the principles of the attachment theory in developmental psychology. According to attachment theory, the child forms a strong emotional bond with caregivers during childhood with lifelong consequences. Sensitive and emotionally available parenting helps the child to form a secure attachment style which fosters a child's socio-emotional development and well being. Less sensitive and emotionally available parenting or neglect of the child's needs may result in insecure forms of attachment style, which is a risk factor for many mental health problems. In extreme and rare conditions the child may not form an attachment at all and may suffer from reactive attachment disorder as defined in DSM-IV and ICD-10. Principles of attachment parenting aim to increase development of child's secure attachment and decrease insecure attachment.

revolution mom

cetain things must be clear
it is not appreciated that all the passers by decide that i need their advice about parenting
and i did not ask to hear about their story of how they had everything perfect and i should learn
no i wont spoil my baby if i carry her all the time because i think babies cant be spoiled and they need to be held
holding a baby is not wrong a sin or weird especially if the baby is yours
there is nothing wrong with taking care of your own baby
in our crazy culture it is the norm that the nanny does everything and the mom sits and relaxes

after a time of national stress where we had zero security i think it is legitimate that you hold those you love as much as you want especially if they are tiny and helpless, especially if you worked so hard to get them

why is it anybodys buisness if you wanna love your baby, sleep with your baby, hold your baby, or take care of your baby
its not like you are hurting anyone
its called love
is love weird now in Egypt ?

people give me looks cuz i take her on errands on her sling they say her place is home with her nanny
i disagree and i think im free to be as loving and as attached as i want
when it comes to babies everyone is an expert

a new mom has to smile and nod
and say i will consider that thanks

but me no i wont

because its revolution time and we can be free and speak our minds

revolution mom

Saturday, July 23, 2011

حلبنتيشي :ازاي ً أعيش فيكي

حبك صعب عليا
ازاي اقدر ارتاح فيكي لما الفساد مليكي
ازاي أعيش فيكي لما الناس اللي بيحموكي
و بيحموني همه الليي بعوكي و بعوني
اقل حق من حقوقي أني أنام في أمان
حكم ألغابه صعب يكمل
ربنا مش حيسيب حقنا

لما يكون في طغيان يطبش بهم و سعتها كله حيبان
اصحاب الحق في الميدان و اناجبان باكل و بنام
همه فكرين ان بجد في امل الدنيا تنظف بجد
بس الفللولي
عجباه كده عايز يعديها و يطنش
عايز يكمل علي اي كلام مش عايزها بجد تنظف
خائف جبان
بس أصحابنا في الميدان احلمهم اكبر
أنا جبانه و مروحتش بس بحترمهم

خلي الفللولي يقول خربوها اهل الميدان
اصلوا مش عارف مين اللي بيببني و مين اللي بيخرب

dont bail on me now

she came to me tonight and said the words i did not want to hear
thoughts of running away keep coming to my head
but she came and said dont bail on me now
dont bail on me when i need you the most
you can fix me
stay and fix me they dont need you there
dont bail on me when i need you the most
i thought of safety and how my baby needs it now
my mission now is not patriotic but rather motherly
i have to take care of a tiny person
she said but wht about me?
after all the years of abuse you will leave too?
i told her i am a coward who loves you to death but loves her baby more
im not giving up on you but loving you has become my heartache
leaving you is like leaving my heart behind i want to fix you but i have a tiny life to protect
im so sorry
im a coward who only hid and fled and left
and now that i am here i keep thinking of another life somewhere safer and more comfortable
somewhere where i can breath
but i will always love you and i will come to your beaches that is if i can make it and leave
your love is ripping me apart
she said if you all leave me now who will fiix me?
if all those who can make a difference leave who will fix me?
i cried in silence as she said dont bail on me now when i need you the most
she said her children died for her and i cant even live in her
i cried in fear and said i am so sorry i am a coward but i do love you
im a coward whether i leave or stay im not in the square
she said in the squRE or NOT DONT BAIL ON ME NOW

Thursday, July 21, 2011

قصيدة اختي

يا حبيبي ترى ماذا تفعلون
أتحت التراب بعدكم ترقدون؟
أم في السماء احرار تحلقون ؟
أتسمع بكائي ودعائي أم نحن واهمون؟

جراحكم أمنها تنزفون ؟
رصاصهم أباقي في العيون؟
صرختكم، أبعدكم تهتفون؟
بلادكم، كيف عنها كنتم تائهون؟

يا حبيبي
ترثيك الامه
تنعيك الكلمه
تنفيك الكذبه
تحميك الدمعه
من النسيان

صبغت شوارع الميدان
بلون يأبى السلوان
شهدت أثار الانسان
أن من قتلك جبان

خلف السواد إستكان
بالقضاء والقصاص إستهان

يا حبيبي
أتنام وتنعم في حرير
أيصلك صوتي عبر الأثير
أترى دموعي كيف تسيل

أقسم لك بسم الام الامومه
بسم يتم الطفوله
بسم حق
أن من قتلك سيقتل و لو بعد حين
و إن أبكموا القضاء
واهدروا القصاص
واجهضوا الحماس
وأن ابدوا الناس

فلنا إلاه إسمه رب الناس
اللاه الناس
منتقم جبار
لا يرضى ظلم و لا جوار

يا حبيبي:
تسألني من قتلوك أبلذنب يشعرون؟
أم هم ذئاب بالدم يرتوون
للنوم كيف يخلدون
ولله كيف سيبعثون؟

يا حبيبي
تسألني عن هذا التأني السقيم ؟
عن هذا الريب المشين
عن هذا العذاب اللعين
ولا أجدعندي يقين
أن الذين على العدل قائمين
هم على العدل قائمين
وأن هم على ألحق قاسمين
هاملين اليمين والقسم العظيم

ولكن يبقى في قلبي إيمان
بأن للميدان إلة رحمان
يحميه من فوق عنان
هو ألحق العدل الرحمن

فيا مجلس القضاء
ويا مجلس العلاء
ويا من في الصمت أضعتمونا هباء
بما تفكرون؟
أن الله بغافل عما تمكرون

فلتنصروا الحق من أجل الأجيال
كل إلى زوال
شهره جاه ومال
قد كان حبيبي خير رجال
وإلاهي حق وعدل وجمال
فلا تكون اندال
لنا العزه بعد الاذلال
والحق معنا لا مجال
وأن يضيع الدم. هذا محال

By zaynab m hafez  

Saturday, July 2, 2011

combination not going well for me

put together artist cancerian new mother nursing mother too attachment parent and you got yourself a recipe for tears that have no end to start and never stop just by the simplest words.

i sometimes wonder if i went to german school if it would have gave me a stronger facade to face the stones better

its not easy being all these things and it certainly brings too much emotion for one human body

exhasution from too much emotion is the result