Thursday, December 17, 2009

let them be and i will be

let the dumb be dumb
let the dull be dull
let the ground pull them down
let the practical rejoice in the flatness of their existence
let the ignorant have to live again and again not searching for the one
let the days pass like the mundane nature of them
let them see things from their flat eye 
if they want no imagination
let science give them their pleasure
let them miss out on the magic of love
let them feel things and see things the way they do
and let the lovers dance with the stars 
let us see the real soul of the trees the truth that lies within everything
let the weak need the glass and let the strong be intoxicated with the juices of love
the highs of nature
the burns of the heart and the whirling of the dervish
let the spirit rise and touch the sky 
let the birds speak our language
and let the heart beat with the drums of the sufis
let them be and i will be

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