Thursday, December 10, 2009

kundalini affair

This is from the best place to find kundalini dvds and you can buy them online, my guru at the maldives told me about it and i want to share it with the world because yoga is not a secret, everyone should be able to benefit

Traditionally all yoga systems were considered to be a preparation for the inner evolution and outer transformation for which Kundalini, is invariably a catalyst. In the context of life as we know it, in which true change is very rare, Kundalini Yogaworks amazingly quickly.

Kundalini Yoga is not about mastering difficult-looking exercises. It's very user-friendly. Essentially, if you can breathe you can do it!

Modifications are given for each exercise so everyone can always participate. Whether you're in shape, out of shape, or wavering between the two, Kundalini Yoga will definitely work for you!

Kundalini Yoga blends breathing, movement, stretching, meditation, chanting and the science of sequence. The poet Dylan Thomas' phrase, “the force that through the green fuse drives the flower,” is the perfect definition for Kundalini.

It's Life aspiring, the creative motivating force within us. Kundalini empowers us to shine, prosper, and excel in all things. It's the common denominator for all forms of self-healing, inspiration, and transformation.

A typical Kundalini Yoga class normally starts with a breathing exercise. Then we do some spinal warm-ups and stretching followed by a special set called a Kriya. A Kriya is a poetic progression of exercises which work in concert to create a synergistic, multi-dimensional, exponential effect. One Kriya might focus on the de-toxing the liver, or working through creative blocks, mastering your moods, or possibly developing will-power.

After doing a set we relax on our backs for a few minutes. Then we end class with some form of meditation. Whatever the focus, by the end of every class you will feel energized and relaxed, focused and expansive, all at the same time.

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