Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Freshly Baked Bread

i think freshly baked bread deserves to be honored
we do not give it enough attention
there should be a celebration each year
y is it that there is chocolate festival
and a cheese i don't know what
what about bread, not the normal bread, but the freshly baked hot bread
if bread was a person he would be my best friend
bread is kind, bread is reliable, bread agrees with your stomach 
bread makes u happy, makes u feel safe
when freshly baked bread is there i cant help it but i just have to make it part of me
i kiss it first, i thank God for giving it to me and i put it in my mouth for as long as possible and then i give it way to be part of my inside.
i become one with the bread, the beautiful delicious warm fresh bread
some one once said u can not love something that is incapable of loving u back
but call me crazy but i have a feeling that when i hold the bread in my hand, wether french or pita or u name it, i feel that the bread loves me back.
i have another theory that if u enjoy it enough it wont make u fat either, bread doesn't betray u
and by the way im not talking about the whole wheat, this one i tend to eat a lot but it does not do it for me, its the real thing that gives me the butterflies
but if u do not give the bread enough attention if u eat with ur eyes open and multi task it will betray u and it will imediatly run to ur hips making u fat!
so the rules of eating good bread is giving it ur undivided attention even if that means shutting the lights putting on some good music, or better having it quiet in the room, sitting on the grass, being under the sky, and chewing slowly and just focusing on the taste of good old brea
and it is not expensive, it does not go out of fashion, the old egyptians have said it lets eat bread and salt. if u eat it with someone ur bond strengthens and it is because u shared life.
bread is life.
personally my heart beats faster my face smiles and i get the butterflies like i'm meeting my lover when  freshly baked bread is around. 
i write like i am obese but honestly i am not, however i do feel for all those who lost it and went over board with their food intake.
i understand how they could just lose it and just say to hell with it lets eat!
it is in a way a brave brave thing to do to let go of all social constraints and to just enjoy it
gluttony is a sin however so is being a sex addict
there are so many ways one could lose it and just indulge in one of life's pleasures
and please whoever u r reading this whenever u c an over weight person please do not judge them. i say salute them for knowing the value of bread, for throwing it all away and enjoyong what they like best. Living in Egypt it is so much easier to stay thin however the poor americans are surrounded by huge portions and food covered with Gods greatest gift "BUTTER" 
going to the movies in the US u must be a saint not to fall for the popcorn covered with butter the smell makes u want to cry
the world is filled with so many temptations and it is so easy to slip away and ti just say damn it i am not going to compete! i will eat my way out! i will enjoy my food! F*&%k it!
in a way i envy those who stopped caring,watch them, they do laugh more!