Friday, February 5, 2010

i will learn to stay silent, i learned my lesson

after watching life,
i have realized something.
something that keeps manifesting itself.
be careful what you say.
things you make fun of will end up being yours.

things you despise you will have to put up with.
be careful what you say.
be careful what you do.

if you try running away from something, life can bring it back in a different form.

you might be dying to see a place, you end up going to the town next door to it, but you can not reach the place of your dreams.
you might make fun of the unfaithful, you might even judge them, and then you might end up having your own son being one of them.

the other lesson is: never hold on to anything too tight, because God takes it away.
until you realize that nothing is forever and learn to love moderately.

the one thing that makes you so proud is the thing that is usually taken away.

things will run away.
things will disappear.

you might be forced to leave the place you love.
you might be forced to stay at the place you once laughed at and worse despised.

life lessons they keep teaching me

the most graceful dancer breaks her back.
the wittiest man loses his memory.
the most affectionate son ignores his parents.
the best of friends end up being strangers.
the person you trust blindly is the one who stabs you in the back.

there must be a moral behind the story.
there must be a code to break.

maybe i should just shut up forever.
never judge.
never criticize.
never point out the obvious.
no matter how much it brings good laughs.

you might end up parenting the exact embodiment of your dislikes.

the key is to swallow the words back

i learned i am not here to judge
i am not here to think i am better
in any way
i will not judge even the sinners
Gandhi said love the sinners hate the sin

I will no more think anything is forever
I will no more question how do people act like that?
I will no more question how people live with that?
I will no more ask: how do they witness that and not do anything about it?
I will not love anything too much.
i will not disappear and melt from deep love.
I will not cling to anything or anyone.
or at least i will try.

I will keep getting the same lesson until i learn
heavenly lessons hurt, burn and sting
they play with your core
they shake your status quo

there are no coincidences in this world
every word you say is frozen in space
it comes back to bite you
until you remember
and you rephrase it

I want to learn to speak with respect to life
I am just a beginner, it is normal that I fall

yesterday on the radio they said confidence is always there
it is where you direct it that matters

you can be directing your confidence in the belief that you can not do it

but confidence is there

i am confident that i am learning
yes i am learning
yes as long as i am breathing i can learn
but Dear God i do not want to learn the hard way, i know that nothing is mine anyway

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