Saturday, February 13, 2010

happy valentines day

love starts as fun
as soul sucking
as life altering
and all you can do is think of the other

you can not get your hands off theirs
you can not get your eyes off theirs
you can not get anything done

you forget everything else
everyone else and you are lost on their island of presence
wanting more of them

new lovers even look prettier and more handsome
they are glowing with love
and it is so full of passion

and then with any sort of long separation or any sort of limitation
pain comes in and you feel like you are ripped in your heart
you want to bring your love and stick them on you with some sort of super glue

hours pass you cannot keep track of time
time becomes this illusion it passes so quickly and then it stands still when you are apart

once the relationship reaches another level of commitment
things can breathe
you can breathe
you can start going back to your life and another kind of love arises
a more comfortable love
a friends with benefits and romance kind of love
no more urgency and painful passion
still there is pain
still there is urgency but other things can also happen
you remember your old life sometimes and you start getting things done
you can even start seeing your friends

with more comfortable time together and more time to study each other
with more arguments and communication failures or success
you realize the other person is not your clone like you thought
they have a different brain it can be shocking

you get used to that
you sleep on things and wake up to realize talking about them is not so hard after all
who ever said never sleep fighting
or with an argument unresolved was wrong
so wrong
when you wake up the fire is cooler
your heart is hurt but not as much
the egyptian saying says sleeping fire wakes up ashes

sleep anything off
wake up better

spirits of lovers tangle and it is magical although not easy
and many times painful

love then becomes looking back at all the memories
best part of love is looking back
having all these days and years that you have shared and how you worked out the
misunderstandings and how you learn to live with your opposite sex can be tough
and mostly fun

you become family like the best of friends
you become lovers like the stories of the past
you become practical with eyes stuck on tv screens and laptops
you move on from the infatuation and obsession
in most times you move on and many other times you stay obsessed forever
like a crazy lover

in that case ed hardy was right love kills slowly
flowers are very important they mean so much to most women and on that day it is
really easy to make her happy just buy the roses

some say it is cheesy some say some say it is corny
some say they hate this day but i do not see what is there to hate

it is fun to watch the egyptians covered in red holding huge teddy bears
to see every flower shop so crammed and so busy
to see people planning and traffic jammed
we always do everything at the last minute
that is how we are passionate and forgetful lovers
lovers who work under pressure

the best kind of love is the love you involve and invite the divine in
it is just more blessed
it takes a higher road and reminds you of a greater one who made it happen

so many single girls on valentines day should be enjoying the no stress of buying and planning
the freedom of the choice
they should be picking
they are still very young
but egyptian society expects your wedding since you were born
so every day is tick and every other day is tock

so many of their families are waiting, if their families are not someone is standing and pressuring them
valentines day can be fun for anyone not just lovers of lust and love but for all kinds of love
people should get together

i love love
i love loving
l love celebrating anything let alone love
it is actually an excuse to show the love
everyday i might be weird talking about love but today it is perfectly fine
for it is valentines day
happy love everyone

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