Monday, March 8, 2010

thank God for the sunshine in Cairo

the weather is hot already
its not spring here in Cairo it is summer already

and although the sun is Egypt's greatest treasure we have only three places or two to enjoy the weather

we are segregated from our people we can not all enjoy a beautiful place together

class segregates us all the time

and we end up running in the same circles

we are trapped in our cars
in our houses, hiding what we have and our life style that is in every way contrary to the state of the people

we are aliens
we end up in the air-conditioned spaces locked up behind closed doors because neither does our dress code or life style fit in with our country

we are in bubbles living a life so different than the reality of our country

here it is not like ipanema where everyone shares the beach in rio
here it is not like anywhere in the world where you can walk the streets for pleasure, because the sidewalks are crooked and at night so many streets not lit

the sun shines on the egyptians again giving hope for a different way for things to be, for the gaps between us to shrink and for our judgements on each other to be less harsh, so that we can someday enjoy the sunshine together despite our differences.

the sun shines on us once again reminding us that we have the greatest of all blessings and it is the warm weather. the sun shines again highlighting how weird we have become, how much we have to consider.

the sun shines again over this land that i hope one day will move on passed the discriminations and the glass walls we have created because of how different we have become in our minds, our clothes, and our ways.

the sunshines once again bringing us somehow together and despite the freaky ways we have acquired, hearts as warm as the weather fill the jammed streets of my Cairo, making it charming, making it unique, making it safer than anywhere else.

so many toddlers with no pants or an idea of a future yet they can smile and their parents smile and are happier than those with everything yet still commit suicide in places where life is perfect but the sun does not shine.

it is funny how in extreme poverty and in the midst of chaos the people of Egypt manage to come up with jokes that the middle east can not even imagine. faith makes things better, makes life bearable and makes people happy it makes people laugh more. faith and a little bit of harmless hash, i think it is the combination that does the trick.

when this world does not matter anymore, people can start to have fun, talents arise yet very little things get done.

Thank God for the sun that shines on my Cairo


  1. I bow to your thoughts as usual..

    didn't know u're a communist thought :p

  2. thank u
    im not a communist
    im not anything
    im just thinking out loud

  3. and I love your thinking out loud :)
    maybe a socialist then? :p

  4. thank u
    but i dont think im a socialist
    i know having different classes is part of life's order
    but not the way it is here where some people can barely live and others are wasting life
