Monday, August 15, 2011

Shahrazad will fly

Let me fly that's what I was born to do
Let me fly I can't live in a cage anymore
Let me fly I need to flap my wings and roam so high
Let me fly I can not be an extra anymore
Let my light shine take away all the shades
and let me shine even if your eyes can't handle it
Let me run free and then I can fly

Let me fly and when I fly I will fly so high
Let me dream and don't laugh at my dreams they mean a lot to me
Let me cry my tears fall down easily and I'm proud
Don't make me apologize for who I am
Don't take away my accent and don't take away my roots

Let me touch the stars I know I can
Don't cut my wings just because you can
Give me a chance if GOd gave you that power
I need to blossom
It's my time not theirs
They have lived Before and it's my first time
Let me fly if I don't fly I die
And I'm too young to die

Let me taste this sky I feel an angel on my shoulder telling me soon I will fly

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