when you do things from your heart no other joy can compare
inspiration comes from so many places
inspiration is what every artist longs for
we work all we can
but when it comes things go to another level
the creative process is at work
to be inspired you must be open
to be open you must let go
to let go you must trust
to trust you must have faith
to have faith is to love
to be inspired is to be blissful
and to lose yourself behind a canvas, in a song, in a poem
music proves to take me higher every time i trust it with my soul
and when you are one with the universe creating art
time flies
time flies, and life is worth while
you know why you came
why you are here now
and there is nothing more satisfying than finding your place on earth
and a connection with heaven
inspiration is everything for a creative being
you disappear and a higher force takes it's course
what good is a song if it is not heard
and how great is it when it touches the heart
some voices make life worth living just by listening to them sing
some tunes make the world a better place
in music i found refuge and in art i found an outlet
with colors i speak a language more powerful than words
and my message is an old cliché but it never wears out
love and peace
joy and bliss
be inspired because an inspired life has so much more taste and meaning
drink from the river of inspiration like all the artists have before
art and love make life worth living