Thursday, April 22, 2010

the benefits of laughing and crying

you can google it and you will find so much research findings that prove that laughter is the best medicine

i have always wanted to say that to all the people i can reach
when you have the chance: laugh
and if you have power over avoiding it: avoid the depressing situation

that means be smart about picking your movies or friends
stay away from the miserable for no reason
and do not lock yourself up with the always depressed crowd

why waste your time on sadness when it is not your destiny yet to be miserable?

if you care about your body research has shown that laughter for certain minutes is equal to hitting the gym so enjoy the body tone too.

it is easy to make people cry in a movie but the extremely talented only can make you laugh

whatever works for you, laugh it out.

and when you are sad and you want to cry do not hold these toxins in go ahead and cry.
my dear friend was proud of her lack of tears and it made me worry about her because i know how much relief the tears give you.

but i understand sometimes you can not afford to cry when you are in control and people count on you, but still find time to cry it out even if secretly because tears free you, they clear your lungs, rid you of all the sadness and bad energy you carry with the not so happy circumstance.
personally after i cry i feel better, i feel lighter, i can go on.

not cried tears can create disease. they give you baggage you do not need. the teary eye is a blessing and even religious teachings prove that.

i love you my dear friend i hope you are always happy and that when you need to cry you let your self because big girls and big boys do cry sometimes.

after you are done crying tune in to your favorite show like the great episodes of friends that we all love so much and laugh it out, you can even laugh at your self, i love doing that.

live, laugh, cry, experience your emotions if they're bottled up then what is the point of tear glands and tears that fall from laughter?

in a tough situation, laughter is the best medicine, after a few tears of course :)

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