Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the science of happiness

yesterday I attended a sort of short seminar.
A speech that summed up a course about happiness given in Harvard.
It is my duty to share what I found out, or else I would be selfish.
Selfish are those who know and do not share.

I will just randomly write down all i can remember since i did not take notes.

it is very hard not to reciprocate happiness and smiling faces.
being positive is contagious
being negative is also contagious
any negative u see will pop up in ur brain too it is impossible not for it to

so it is important not to surround yourself with negative stimuli and be around negative people

there are practical things you could do to help you be happy

keep a journal
write down in detail the positive thing u experienced each day. reliving it while describing affects you and helps in ur over all positive state

before you go to bed say out loud the three things you are grateful for and it could not be just stating health,love, success you must be specific with details. recommended for couples to do together before they sleep especially if they involve each other.

this affects the lens to which u see the world, everything depends on the lens. through a dark lens so many opportunities are missed and so many possibilities are mistaken for random things.

the next thing you can do is meditate or do yoga it has been proven that meditation through religious or non religious ways like staring at the stars, just focusing on something other than work for a while makes people happy.

Exercise! it produces dopamine and that makes you happy.

take minutes out of your day to do a good deed to the world like helping people in any way.

connect with family and friends

its all stuff we knew but sometimes forget to apply.

the speaker was asked if people with religious faith were happier the answer was yes. research proved that faith makes you happy, through the meditation that every religion has, through the acts of giving that are required, through the social support you get through your faith. You are more prepared when you practice your belief system.

he also talked about how our brain fools us and stops us from doing what we wanna do because of illusionary barriers.

a way our brain does that is when you are home with sneakers and gym clothes on the brain thinks it is more effort to take the clothes off than to go to the gym, so u r more likely to hit the gym than take off your shoes and go to bed, if you already put them on.

so you can play on your brain like that fooling it so you can do the things you wanna do.
he also said that it takes 21 days to create a life long habit whatever it is.

this is all part of positive phycology something I am very interested in. While the classic phycology focuses on the disorders and the percentage of people with problems bringing down the majority based on the contagious theory, the study of positive phycology focuses on the happy people studies what they do and tries to teach the rest of us.

the future is in positive phycology there will be no more analysis of childhoods with abusive fathers and drowning of tears at therapy, the world will focus on the good you have and how to bring more of that.

I personally loved it so much, it agrees with my religious beliefs since based on Islamic teachings God gives you what you expect. Expect the best and you will get the best, miracles do happen and faith makes people smile.
Smiling is something my religious teachings encourage me to do, the hadith states that God has told our prophet something that means the following: if you were frowning and if your heart was hard the people would have not gathered around you.

be happy, be grateful, nobody is happy all the time, but being grateful for what we have only brings more.

the equation is not:
success+hard work= happiness
it is:
happiness+hard work= success and happiness

do not wait to be happy, nothing you will achieve or buy will bring happiness, happiness is self born, only you can be happy and the process starts from within.

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