Friday, November 13, 2009

The Beautiful Game

In Egypt Soccer is not just a game it is what is left for the people to hold on to in their country.
The Egyptians have lost all they had and the one thing they hold on to with their clinging nails is soccer.

It is the one thing they can still hold on to. Their trapped frustrations and silence about all that is corrupt and was once magnificent is transformed into a passion for soccer that seems more like a revolting angry force than an interest in a sport.

The people are looking for a reason to storm the streets and scream, a reason that is not political of course. The people's only legitimate scream is for the game. Their only spoken hope is for winning it. And today hopes are high streets are filled with drums and men dressed in red filled with anger towards the Algerians rather than cheers for their team.

I live next to the embassy of Algeria and the Algerians came and stood in front of their embassy in green and wearing the rage of wars not games. They cursed the Egyptians in French and unfortunately the students of the French schools around the embassy of Algeria understood so fights broke out, bottles were thrown and people got hurt.


Danger can be sensed in my street, police officers are everywhere and things are electrified.

What was meant to be a game, a sport, has become a national struggle and anger fills the red and the green teams. It has become the quest of the nation.

We Egyptians are like that- hysterical in all that we do. Hysterical about the swine flu! Hysterical about soccer, hysterical about any new topic and extremely emotional to boot. We like to stretch a subject and suck life out of it leaving it worn out. We exhaust ourselves with topics until new ones rise. If something new is going on every group will wear it out and every mouth will dry from over discussing it.

It is obviously sick how they are behaving and it is a way that they chose to transfer their frustrations.

I really hope that Egypt wins tomorrow and I even have the spirit to paint my whole body in the colors of my flag but I worry that if I go to the stadium I might not come back.

I pray that Egypt wins and my heart goes out to the team that carries the burden of a corrupt government and the duty to please people who have been disappointed for years. It is as if their victory will solve everything and suddenly the education will be better and the hospitals will have the means to cure the sick. As if the poor will have food if we win. As if freedom will spread her wings high if we win. As if we will be great again if our athletes win.

If the players win, we will feel their pride as if it was a result of our own feet on the court not theirs. We feel pride that only Roman gods should have. However, if they lose they might get beaten and cursed and disrespected like traitors to their land. As if the rules of any game did not include the possibility of winning or losing.

These players carry burdens that no man can bare for they are the only thing that keeps this country united and they are the only ones who make the people proud, the only thread of hope is them, God bless them, and may they succeed in making the millions jump with happiness, and if they fail please God protect them.

The Game is meant to end with a loser and a winner if you cannot take the fact that your team might lose then hide away and do not stay to watch the game tomorrow.

The fans must calm down tomorrow may there be no sorrow tomorrow. I truly deeply hope my Egyptian team wins tomorrow and that dreams and hearts do not shatter!


  1. i actually am one of those who aren't excited about the match !

    if we win , this will be like giving morphine to a sick patient , rather than telling them to go do something that may actually be good for them .

    it will be like : we did it , we r the best , yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhh

    what !
    emmm what then made us wait till the last second to qualify ?!
    or should i start with r we the best in anything actually , tayeb medium , tayeb top 100 maybe ??

    if we lose i hope people would wake up and realize that we suck in almost everything !!

    i might have had a different attitude if things - which you have pointed out at many - were better , or even getting better , even the slightest bit, a fraction maybe !

    ... not worse exponentially !!

    then again , lets c what Fifa will do after


  2. analyzing it so deeply takes the beauty out of it. it's a game. it will pass whether we win or lose. im sorry people got hurt, that's not right. but let egyptians be passionate about something that is egyptian. that is very rare now so embrace or at least admire it while it is happening

  3. ma the thing is this analysis - i mean tousa's - is a way of putting things in their right place.

    if it was just a game then what's all the fuss about ?

    which can be clearly seen in her first words :

    " In Egypt Soccer is not just a game it is what is left for the people to hold on to in their country.
    The Egyptians have lost all they had and the one thing they hold on to with their clinging nails is soccer "

    hence all what was said after than is based on this first point .

    yes i know it is sad .

  4. خبير قلب: مباراة مصر والجزائر خطر على قلوب المصريين.. والوفيات تزداد ٦٠٪ فى المباريات الحاسمة

    speaking of heart attacks !!

    gives another meaning for passion !!

  5. you wanna know what i think? read this
    (sorry tous to use yours to advertise hehe!)
    its bigger than passion or death, its about what makes us egyptian, regretfully something we dont identify with much any more

  6. i read what's on your blog

    " something we dont identify with much any more "

    and isn't the reason for that the corruption , illiteracy , bad manners, violence, poverty , the so called educational system that we have , health care , pollution , public transportation , crowded streets and the list goes on and on and keeps getting bigger and worse !

    it's like people living in a garbage can and once in a while one of them gets a 3 days old thrown away fish rather than what they are used to which is a week old rotten one !

    they all gather around , celebrate and enjoy their achievement in a delightful evening dinner forgetting where they r and what they are celebrating about !

    i appreciate what you are saying , however i find it hard to not c it the way i do .

  7. i identify with my nationality, with my country, with the nile, with the call of prayer with the bells of the churches in cairo, with our songs, with our movies, with the pyramids, with siwa, with sharm, with the hussein mosque, with hadary, with abdel halim, with rogdy abaza, with the ibn tulun mosque, with our food, with this side of egypt.

    but the other side that ashraf describes breaks my heart and makes me sad makes.

    soccer is a beautiful game and i love the high i get from cheering. but the throwing stones and burning of flags is something beyond my comprehension. It is a sign of sickness from the algerians and the egyptians. the algerians burned the flag! the egyptians threw stones, the level of ignorance and violence is unbelievable!!

  8. " I truly deeply hope my Egyptian team wins tomorrow and that dreams and hearts do not shatter!"

    ( i read all those 3 articles today morning.

    What a pleasant way to start your day ! )

    والدة أحمد حسن لابنها: «لو حد قالك إن أمك ماتت ماتصدقش وخليك فى المباراة»

    the joy and passion to unbelievable levels , fine .

    then in the same front page !!

    الممرضة المسؤولة عن العينات لـ«النيابة»: «كنت مضغوطة فزحلقت الضحية السادسة لأنفلونزا الخنازير.. ومعرفش إن الموضوع هيكبر»


    then page 3 !

    ٧٠ تلميذاً فى مطروح يتلقون تعليمهم فى مدرسة من حجرتين.. ودون أبواب أو دورات مياه أو سبورات


    and all on the same day !

    your heart not shattered yet !!

    i just hate pain killers , i'd rather feel the pain so i know it is still there and do something about it

    then again , it's just a game .
