Saturday, May 29, 2010

gender anger

i hold a grudge against the male gender
i just realized how the ride can be easy for him
he rules, he drives, he speaks louder most of the time
he can get away with so much
oh mom you raised me so well you hid the truth about being a girl so well
i had no idea about the gender wars
only recently did i know that my father wanted a boy
never did he show it
and never did i understand why like tonight
i did not know about all the abuse girls go through for being girls
you blinded me about the fact that in many places i am second class
because i am not a he
you did not tell me some people expect me to shut up because i'm a woman
growing up in an american school they fooled me showing me life through a free world
i could speak my mind back then, i could question anyone, speak proudly and raise my head high
but today i have come to realize that the women of the world bare so much more than their fellow men
especially in the third world that i am from
other than the process of life that they brought us to this world through
and the nurturing that is often life long
and the realm of emotions that they can feel and most men do not even know about
always beautiful always strong
always faithful always smiling
through the pains of unshed tears
so much pressure to be beautiful to be cute and to be innocent
the egyptian culture expects a girl to be stupid and obedient fun and most of the time silent.
a smart girl is not so happy here because she must act dumb to keep him proud
a strong girl has to cover her strength and be dependent and fragile
to be a girl you must be scared to be accepted you must seem weak
you must shut up and blend in,
keep your voice low and always be the little girl who stares at the world and leaves him to lead the ride


  1. I like your writing but I have many questions..there is no script for women to follow. We are the ones who write our own script and set the scenarios and often set the limits. Us women...we tell and teach ppl how to treat us...we set the rules as well as the limits. Us women.. we teach the new generation of girls all about girl power.
    The days where gender ruled are long gone..long burried..u can be anything u want and do most things in our country ...but not without strugglig and taking life a little bit serious....with a lot of fair-play u can leave the victim mentality behind and question the gender issue. We were born free, why should anyone make us a follower?

  2. Yes, we are born with a free mind but Egypt puts a constraint on anything that is remotely different from ordinary way of thinking. I just hate how the woman are treated in Egypt! I got angry now only while typing this. And all is sugar coated within quasi modern society that is actually all but modern, old ways of thinking are still there, always there to haunt you. Maybe women in Egypt don't realise how submissive their culture makes them be.
    The role of Egyptian woman is to be a mother, she is denied her right to be a woman with her own need and desires...once you are married everything has to revolve around the husband and the children and you seize to exist.
    There are amazing, smart, independent women in Egypt, ones who could teach the rest of the world a lesson on what a women should be, but unfortunately those are rather a very rear example.

  3. nonsense. just look hard enough for the guys who would appreciate you for what you are, and even make an idol of you. they're not rare, that's for sure.

  4. ahh, to be able to appreciate someone you must be a whole as a person and to see giving as a weakness...and that's rare.

  5. typing mystake...and NOT to see giving as a weakness..

  6. as a girl you must keep your head high or else the people will bring you down
