Monday, May 3, 2010

fear : my enemy

every time my wings begin to form and i'm about to fly, fear brings me down
time after time i realized who is my biggest enemy, fear is
i try to shove it down and it rises
i try to act all tough and it comes back why should i fear a life not mine?
fear haunts my dreams haunts me and destroys all the good that comes my way
i wish i would not be scared anymore i wish i was bigger than my fears
someone once asked what would you do if you were not afraid?
the answer is all that is wonderful
fear destroys love
fear depresses people
fear kills joy fear pulls me back from reaching the skies
all these nightmarish scenarios came from fear
all these times i did not say what i felt, that too was fear
i will not hurt no one but i will not be afraid to say the truth
the truth feels great to say
i hate you fear
go away do not stay here in this body of mine you are not welcomed
my fear and my mind they gang up on me and paralyze me
how i hate them both
after a short time i push them out
i phase them out
with love and joy i can win this war inside
fear brought me sickness
fear brought me sadness
fear you are a weak existence all you aim for is bringing us down
no i don't want to be afraid anymore


  1. me too! story of my life u might say.. if u ever knew how 2 kick it out let me know..

  2. surrounding myself with the always cheerful
    the always brave
    the faithful has always worked
    they speak of relaxing,believing and having faith
