Wednesday, April 14, 2010

glittering from a distance

getting too close to anything it starts to lose it's beauty
the magnifying glass makes everything uglier
in close contact with people you start to smell their stink and rarely do you breathe into their flowery scents

people from a distance always look better.
in photographs they are always smiling and acting happy
in parties they wear their best faces and they glitter and shine
the real face shows with close contact and after long hours

i have found that my fascination with certain people starts to fade as soon as i come close to them where i can see their true faces with no air brush or photoshop

stars in the skies look magical and breathtaking and if you were close to them you would realize that in fact there is nothing special about them

in close contact people start to fight
the family portrait shows happy faces, behind close doors who knows how ugly these faces get
some men perceived as angels turned out to have monstrous ugly histories.
some come across as beasts while they are actually so kind in reality they make hearts melt.

the man you think is a prince can turn out to be from the lowest of origins
the woman who acts like a queen can have private tendencies that make you want to gag and scream

some people have the best smiles after knowing them better you realize their frowns can make you want to burn the place you met them at.

looking at children in carriages with smiling mommies you have no idea about the tantrums they throw and the hardships this blessed mommy has been through.

the wife who pampers her husband in front of the crowd makes it seem like they are in marriage heaven when in fact he is cheating and she learned to not care.

public affection is no sign of true love
so many fake it and in their room they do not touch each other for weeks and months.

single women and men who act like they are so happy on their own, when in fact we all know the pains of loneliness and how hard it can be.

the most hilarious person in the crowd can be the one who takes the pills for happiness because when they sink in sadness no one can take them up again.

the brightest of stars are checking in and out of rehab when in fact to many they have it all.

half stories are better kept that way, i do not need to know it all.
from a distance things look prettier lets keep them that way, lets keep life simple.

but do not think this person has it all for you do not know what happens behind closed doors.
in the end we will all lie under the ground with no riches no partners nothing but the truth of us .

take off your mask, who are you?

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