Thursday, March 18, 2010

the hidden treasure

the hidden treasure is like a secret doorway
inside you waiting to be recognized
many people come and go and they did not know about the treasure
they thought things are just things
they thought there is no more to life
they failed to see the magical possibilities

but you and me we still have the chance to dig deeper
and discover the hidden treasure
you do not need to travel
you do not need to even leave your home
you do not need to meet anyone

your hidden treasure lies in your heart
this is not corny talk
it is true and it is such a waste to ignore

another world awaits
gardens and waterfalls
so many colors and lights
wait for you every night

find the hidden treasure
close your eyes
and open your heart


  1. I agree to a some extent, but my only objection is that you can't open your heart to - nothing and no one. There must be someone, someone who might not even know u exist. There must be human contact, else your treasure will remain hidden and buried as if it was on a deserted island.

  2. you can open your heart to God and the universe
    and then the person you dream about will appear

    but you must first have the ability to love and be practicing it
